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    Our Offices

    Ostrava (CZ)

    Koksarni 10
    702 00 Ostrava

    Pardubice (CZ)

    Bratranců Veverkových 2722
    530 02 Pardubice

    Zilina (SK)

    Pribinova 62
    010 07 Zilina

    Ecommerce Consultant

    Petr Štverka
    +420 595 177 100
    Call me: Mon - Fri, 8am - 4pm CET.

    For media

    Matěj Kapošváry
    +420 604 843 281

    Server Services

    +420 774 729 109
    Critical errors– nonstop

    +420 774 000 078
    Server errors – nonstop

    Invoicing Address

    Shopsys s.r.o.
    Koksární 1096/10
    702 00 Ostrava

    IČ: 27790487
    DIČ: CZ27790487
    Č.ú.: 2604119001/6600

    Shopsys s.r.o. is registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Ostrava, Section C, File No. 51890.