Check out a presentation by our Full-Stack Developer Petr Heinz on the topic of why CRUD is a bad idea. The presentation took place at Wro Open Source at the beginning of September 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland.
Everyone knows what CRUD means — Create, Read, Update and Delete… But wait what is actually an Update? Does writer “update” an article or does he “publish” it? Do customers “update” an order or do they “pay” for it? Does your happy boss “update” your salary or does she “raise” it?
Generic CRUD approach does not represent a real-life experience and makes both your user interface and API harder to understand and maintain. This talk covers differences between Rich Domain Model and Anemic Domain Model, their advantages and disadvantages, and how these concepts affect the design of your model, forms and user interface.
View the recording on YouTube.

Petr was fascinated by computers and programming from an early age and started freelancing as a PHP programmer since 18 years old. Loves clean code, regular expressions and clever design. In 2011 he joined Shopsys, built several e-commerce solutions since then and shared his experience on PHP conferences in Czechia and Slovakia.
He dedicated last year to developing the Shopsys Framework, open source e-commerce framework made with passion on Symfony 3.